Our Worship Service
Our worship service meets at 10:00am. Generally, we start our service in praise to God using music that is contemporary in style with some traditional favorites blended in. A talented team of Cornerstone musicians lead this portion of worship. At each service we spend time in prayer as a congregation and frequently hear a brief update from some area of ministry at Cornerstone. While we take worship very seriously, our style is informal. People come dressed in both “business attire” and shorts. Our emphasis is on content over appearance.
Pastor Billy normally provides the morning Scripture message. Billy is a down-to-earth teacher who speaks from his heart and always has a challenge and an encouragement for us to take home. We believe that you’ll find our congregation to be friendly and glad to see you are here.
Our Kids’ Praise, Sunday School and Fellowship Time
Our Kids Praise will meet at 8:45am directly before our Sunday School time, which begins at 9:00am.
During the school year, there are Sunday school classes for all ages including several options for adults. These classes are offered directly before the service from 9:00-9:45am (except summer).
Our service is followed by a brief fellowship time of coffee and snacks, which is a great time to get to know the people of Cornerstone. Usually Pastor Billy will be available to greet you at the door as you leave, but we encourage you to stay a bit and have some refreshments with us.
Our Musical Style
Our Sunday morning worship service is the one time each week we seek to gather the whole Cornerstone community together. It is expressly intended to worship God, which we believe should be the core of our life purpose. We assert the Bible to be the source of our knowledge of God, but seek to express these ancient truths in current context. Accordingly, we seek to make current application of Scripture truth showing that the Bible is truly a timeless book. Our music is predominately contemporary in style using vocalists and a praise band to lead our singing. We also incorporate some of the most deeply loved hymns from the past.
Our Core Beliefs
Our core beliefs can be found below:
- We believe in the Bible to be the inspired Word of God. We believe in the Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
- We believe in the deity of Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, and in His miracles.
- We believe that the death of Jesus on the cross was His taking God’s righteous judgment on our sins, in the place of all who will believe. Such belief is the key to God’s forgiveness and our entrance into heaven upon our death.
Our doctrine and organizational structure would be recognized as coming from the rich heritage of historic Presbyterianism. We are part of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), www.pcanet.org. The regional body of the PCA is the Heritage Presbytery.
An extensive presentation of our understanding of the teaching of the Bible can be found in the historic documents known as the Westminster Confession of Faith, and the Larger and Shorter Catechism. Click here to learn more about these documents.
Our Mission Statement:
“It is the mission of Cornerstone Presbyterian Church to glorify God by making disciples of Jesus Christ who love God above all else, and sacrificially love others in our congregation, community and world.”