Download 2013 Fall Sunday School Brochure
New Territory and New Challenges
Led by Darren and Sara Chick in Room 101
(This is a class for young adults who have graduated high school to age 25) This class will emphasize body life and will plan social activities. Our study will be in the book of Joshua.
Shorter Catechism
Led by Bruce Boone and Mark Whiteman in Room 203
We will be continuing a broad overview of the Westminster Shorter Catechism. The class will learn with certainty and fullness the rich Heritage of the Reformed Faith. We will not try to memorize the questions, but develop a greater understanding of the Catechism as a body of Doctrine provable from Scripture. This will be of great benefit to those interested in learning the Doctrinal Standards of The Presbyterian Church of America and the Reformed faith.
Sowing Seeds
Led by Pastor Mark in Room 204
A class with the brazen goal of beginning a change in the very culture of Cornerstone! The Session has declared a determination to create a “culture of evangelism” at Cornerstone. We want people to know Jesus! Two specific goals:
1. Students will grow in sharing their faith because they want to.
2. Students will grow in sharing their faith because they are confident they know how.
Come change the world!
Greek Tools
Led by Dave Strumbeck and Billy Haines in Room 208
Many bible readers wish they could make use of the Greek without mastering Greek. There are many tools for that very purpose. Without studying the Greek language a person can learn to make good use of the Greek tools available (many for free on the web) to enhance the study of a particular passage. We will check out the tools and demonstrate their use hands on. We will orient ourselves enough to be able to take full advantage of the tools available, and also why and how to use them.
A Survey of Covenant Theology: Seeing Christ in the Covenants
Led by Dan Smith in the Sanctuary
Have you ever wondered what are the differences between the old and new covenants? Do you wonder if there’s a difference between Israel and the church? What about the relationship between baptism and circumcision? Do you feel like the God of the Old Testament is different from the one in the New Testament? This class will study the covenants as they are presented in scripture and seek to understand how they point to Jesus and how they relate to our understanding of the Bible, and we will discover what implications they have on our faith walk today.