Sports Ministries

Church League Softball: Cornerstone is 1 of about 12 churches that participate in the Southern Chester County Church Softball League. It also provides a unique opportunity for regular attendees of Cornerstone to bond and encourage one another on and off the field.  Although teams are comprised of mostly men, women are also encouraged to participate. Each game begins with a time of devotion and prayer, followed by the game and ending in prayer. Throughout the season, many opportunities for informal fellowship, fun and sharing occur which help in spurring one another to live for Christ. A typical season will begin in mid-April and will end in early July.

Church League Basketball:
Similar to church league softball, Cornerstone is 1 of about 6 churches that participate in the Southern Chester County Church Basketball League (SCCCBL). It also provides a unique opportunity for regular attendees of Cornerstone to bond and encourage one another on and off the field.  Although teams are comprised of mostly men, women are also encouraged to participate. Much like softball, each game begins with a time of devotion and prayer, followed by the game and ending in prayer. Throughout the season, many opportunities for informal fellowship, fun and sharing occur which help in spurring one another to live for Christ. A typical season begins the first week of January and will end mid-March.

CLICK HERE for season schedule for 2025 SCCCBL regular season with the updated scores.

Open Basketball happens on Monday evenings from 7-9pm. This is open to Cornerstone and non-Cornerstone participants. Skill level is medium to high.

Open Volleyball happens on Tuesday evenings from 7-9pm. This is open to Cornerstone and non-Cornerstone participants. Skill level is medium to high. Both men and women are welcome.

Open Basketball happens on Saturday mornings from 7-9am. This is open to Cornerstone and non-Cornerstone participants. Skill level is medium to high.

To learn more about the sport ministries, please contact the church office at 610-255-5512.