At Cornerstone our vision is to see the love of God transform people into mature disciples of Jesus Christ who love God above all else and who sacrificially love others.  As people come in our doors Sunday morning we want to host them well so that they experience the love of God.  Below are some ways you can get involved to help us make that happen.

Let us know how you would like to be involved by filling our Interest Form!


Sunday Morning Hospitality Team 



This group of people open the door for the congregation as they arrive and serve as a friendly and welcoming presence.  

Welcome Table Hosts

We direct our newcomers to our welcome table where we would like our welcome table host to connect with them and give them a special gift for coming. Newcomers are asked to fill out a "Connection Card." TEAM LEADER NEEDED!

Connection Crew

This group of people is on the lookout for newcomers before and after the service.  They start conversations and seek to get people connected to one another.  TEAM LEADER NEEDED!

Refreshments  Crew

Where would our fellowship time be without refreshments?  This team of people sets the table for friendships to form and deepen.

Sunday Morning Ministry Team

Nursery Workers

Nursery is an important ministry to our families with young children.  We need lots of help to run our high quality nursery each Sunday! 

Children's Church Teachers

Children's Church is during the sermon portion of the worship service and is a time for children three years old through third grade to hear an age appropriate lesson based upon the sermon passage.  Lessons are prepared for you. We're looking for teachers to lead our covenant children in the truths of Scripture.

Sunday Morning Operations Team


Our ushers take care of the set up and tear down each week.  They also help with tasks such as passing out bulletins and helping people to their seats.

Tech Crew

This is the crew that runs the sound, lighting, video, and livestream each week. 

Ready to serve?   Email the office at or fill our Interest Form.