You might be aware that we have been in an extended season of seeking the Lord for a renewed vision for Cornerstone.  This work began last summer when we engaged the help of a church consultant to help us assess where we were as a church and to consider where God might be calling us to go.  After lots of meetings and lots of prayer, we thought we were ready in March of this year to roll out a clarified vision together with a five-year strategic ministry plan.  However, with the new challenges posed by the current pandemic, we have decided to delay the full implementation of our new vision and ministry plan and instead to focus our efforts solely on the upcoming ministry year.  This is not a step backwards but flows from our visioning process and we believe will move Cornerstone in the direction we believe God is calling us to go.

The focus for the 2020-2021 ministry year can be summarized in two words:

“Forward Together”

In Exodus 14:15 God says to Moses, “Tell the people of Israel to go forward.” Israel had just escaped from Egypt and Pharaoh’s army was in hot pursuit.  The people came to a screeching halt when they encountered the Red Sea.  They were in an impossible situation – stay and be killed by the army or move forward and be drowned in the sea.  God called them to move forward!  This must have been a puzzling command for the people.

Likewise, we believe God is calling us to move forward in faith.  Like the people of Israel we might be puzzled as well.  The good news is we don’t move alone.  We move forward not only together with one another but together with our God who goes with us.

Specifically, we desire to move forward in three areas: community, mission, and discipleship.


#1 Together We Are Building a New Kind of Community


More than anything this pandemic has changed how meet together with others.  As a result, many feel stuck in a state of loneliness and isolation.  Despite all of our digital connections, we are as disconnected as ever.  Navigating our changing context requires intentionality.  We desire to build a new kind of community where those who are seeking friendship and connection, can find it with one another within the body of Christ at Cornerstone.

Next Steps:

By early September we expect to be able to elaborate more on this vision and suggest some practical next steps we need to take as a church to build this kind of community.


#2 Together We Are Practicing New Ways of Doing Mission


Like many churches, Cornerstone stumbled fully into the digital age this past March.  While a livestream worship service is not quite like meeting in person, it has provided many opportunities for us.  We have seen a number of unchurched people consistently join our online service.  We hear stories every month of how God is using our online platform in their lives.  We firmly believe that the mission of Jesus’ church has not changed, but we recognize the need to explore new ways of fulfilling that mission.  Times of crisis can also bring about times of revival!

Next Steps:

By early October we expect to be able to elaborate more on this vision and suggest some practical next steps we need to take as a church to practice new ways of doing mission.


#3 Together We Are Experiencing New Patterns of Discipleship


Our new context presents new challenges and new opportunities as we seek to become mature disciples of Jesus.  Things like Zoom have made it easier than ever to connect with others and yet we frequently find ourselves saying things like, “I am all Zoomed out this week!”  As a church we are eager to address those challenges that have come our way and also to take advantage of the new opportunities we have.

Next Steps:

By early November we expect to be able to elaborate more on this vision and suggest some practical next steps we need to take as a church experience new patterns of discipleship.