4 Lessons on Prayer The passage begins with James telling us how not to approach God — do not swear, either by heaven or earth or by any other oath (v.12). With the rest of the letter he shows us how …
Be Patient We heard last week a warning to the rich who willfully oppress others and now James moves to comfort those who have been oppressed. We see his pastor’s heart as he not only goes after the wolves but …
Money Problems As we enter the last chapter of the letter, we see that James addresses a specific group of people: the rich. Come now, you rich, weep and howl for the miseries that are coming upon you (v.1). Now …
What True Humility Looks Like I am including in our study this week the last verse from the passage last week. Humble yourselves before the Lord and he will exalt you (v.10). In this next section James is going to show us …
The Real Reason We Quarrel Conflict is an inevitable aspect of life in a broken world. We can’t get away from it. It’s on the evening news, it’s in our community, it’s in our homes, it’s in our lives. …
True and False Wisdom James begins with a penetrating question, Who is wise and understanding among you? (v.13) The answer to this question is not as obvious as it might first appear. How would you answer this question? Are you wise …
Taming the Tongue “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.” We’ve all heard this little nursery rhyme and perhaps have even believed it was true — until we began to experience the long-lasting hurt …
The Nature of True Faith Faith lies at the very heart of what it means to be a Christian. And so it is important for us to consider whether or not we have the right kind of faith. How do …
Sermon: September 30, 2018 Show No Partiality James calls out a major issue in the church. Judging by the amount of space he devotes to it, it must have been a pretty big issue. He writes: My brothers, show no partiality …