He Has Risen! Mark records three separate occasions that Jesus announced to his disciples that he would die and on the third day rise (c.f. Mark 8:31, Mark 9:30, 10:34). It’s not clear exactly what his disciples thought of these …
My God, My God Why Have You Forsaken Me? This week we consider the final moments of Jesus’ life as he is hung on the cross. We are reminded that Christ crucified is a “stumbling block to the Jews and …
The Shame of the Cross The writers of the New Testament in general, and Mark in particular, make no attempt to sensationalize the suffering and death of Jesus. As horrendous as the suffering of Jesus was, the Bible does not …
He Suffered Under Pontius Pilate Having been condemned by the Jewish ruling authorities Jesus is now handed over the Roman authorities, which in this case is led my one man, Pontius Pilate. Even for those who are not intimately familiar …
The Breaking of Peter Since the days of the early church, it has been commonly held that Peter was the primary (human) source for Mark as he wrote his gospel. This seems quite plausible as we have such a well-rounded …
A Clash of Kingdoms Jesus’ betrayal at the kiss of Judas is the darkest moment yet in Mark’s Gospel. What it signifies is not a personality conflict, or a lapse of judgment on Judas’ on behalf, but rather the …
The Spirit is Willing but the Flesh is Weak As was customary at the conclusion of the Passover meal, Jesus and his disciples sung a hymn (v.26). And with the meal being over they decide to talk a walk to …
Is It I? Jesus’ hour is quickly coming upon him. Mark tells us that it is the first day of Unleavened Bread (v.12) which was the day Passover was celebrated. In less than 24 hours Jesus will be delivered up …
Extravagant Devotion What is the most expensive gift you have ever given? For me – and I bet this is the case for many men – it was a tiny rock attached to a small band – an engagement ring. …