We have a guest preacher this week – Pastor Phil – who comes to us all the way from Southeast Asia where is serving as a missionary. He will continue our sermon series in the Gospel of Mark. So no …
Jesus’ renown is growing. However the response to him varies quite a bit. You have the Pharisees who do all they can to oppose him, the crowds which nearly crush him, the demons who fall down before him, and the …
The pressure continues to mount between the religious authorities and Jesus. Jesus continues to face close scrutiny and increased questions. The Pharisees question what he is doing and what he is not doing. In the two passages before us this week, …
Jesus continues to clash with the religious elite of his day. In the last passage the Pharisees display their contempt at what Jesus and his disciples were doing – eating with tax collectors and “sinners.” In this week’s passage the issue …
So far in the Gospel of Mark we’ve seen Jesus in many different roles. We’ve seen him as a preacher, as a leader, and as a commander to name just a few. These roles tell us something about Jesus and also something about us.
Consider some of the miracles we’ve seen so far in Mark’s Gospel. When Jesus is confronted with a demon-possessed man, he immediately casts out the demon. When he finds Simon’s mother-in-law is in bed with a fever, he restores her …
The Heart of Jesus One of the themes that has been emerging as we study the gospel of Mark is the authority of Jesus. One example, when Jesus stood up to preach in the Capernaum synagogue, the people are astonished …
Missions & Shadow Missions And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he departed and went out to a desolate place, and there he prayed. (Mark 1:35) The passage begins with Jesus in prayer. That Jesus …
The Astonishing Authority of Jesus There are few words that strike more fear in the hearts of modern (or is it postmodern now) people than the word authority. The word authority perhaps conjures up in the mind images of corrupted power, a self-serving …