Adult Sunday School classes teach the Scriptures, how to understand them better, and how to apply them to real life, all in an atmosphere of love and fellowship. Please join one of our classes, and find their value for your life in Christ. Classes run from 9:00-9:45am with classes for children of all ages and nursery available.

Fall Classes Begin on September 15th

How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth

Understanding the Bible isn’t for the few, the gifted, the scholarly. It’s for everyone. the Bible is meant to be read and comprehended by everyone from armchair readers to seminary students. A few essential insights into the Bible can clear up a lot of misconceptions and help disciples of all kinds grasp the meaning of Scripture and its application to your twenty-first century life. In this class we will cover everything from translation concerns to different genres of biblical writing. In clear, simple language, the class will help learners accurately understand the different parts of the Bible and their implications for both ancient audiences and humanity today, so we can uncover the inexhaustible worth that is in God’s Word.

Led by Dan Smith and Jaimie Macartney in Fellowship Hall.

Gospel of John

In this class, we will be moving topically through the Gospel of John.  We are scheduled to cover one topic per week and will address prominent literary and theological themes found throughout the book.  Special emphasis will be given to discipleship and personal application.

Led by Andy Wendle and Steve Schappert in room 201.

Beyond Suffering: A Christian View on Disability Ministry

In the U.S. alone, nearly 65 million people are affected by disability, and their circle of influence is significant in every neighborhood. This introductory training from Joni and Friends will inspire you to be part of leading Cornerstone into deeper ministry to families of individuals with disabilities looking for love and acceptance. Come to gain help to address some of life’s hardest questions about suffering and disability from a biblical perspective. Led by Pastor Dave Phillips, Lori Blair, and Heidi Weaver.

Led by Pastor Dave Phillips, Lori Blair, and Heidi Weaver in room 209.

Membership Matters

Attending a membership class is a good way to learn more about Cornerstone. It does not commit you to membership but is required to become a member. This is a great next step for those who are looking to plug into the family at Cornerstone!

Led by Pastor Billy Haines in room 210.


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