Be a Blessing!

1 Peter 3:8-17 | Sermon Resources | 19 January 2025

Sermon Summary

Hope is a defining characteristic of believers.  We are “born into a living hope” the moment we receive Christ and that hope, says Peter, is to constantly radiate from our lives. Even in times of hardship, the hope we have in Christ should arouse so much curiosity in others, they are drawn to ask us for the reasons behind it. In the sermon this week Pastor Billy explores these themes of having hope amidst hostility and blessing even when facing opposition.

Discussion Questions

  1. Take a look at the list of attributes listed in verse 8. Which one would you most like to grow in? How so?
  2. Repeatedly in this passage Peter tells us to turn away from evil. Why is this often so hard?
  3. In the sermon Pastor Billy used the analogy of absorbing the evil (brokenness) around us like a sponge. What is helpful about this mentality?  What is potentially harmful about this mentality? In what can you relate?
  4. What do you think this might have looked like for Peter’s original audience to actually bless those who were seeking to do them harm?
  5. What role does trust in God’s sovereignty play in how we face persecution or unjust treatment?
  6. What does Peter mean in verse 15 when he says “in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy”? What keeps you from doing this? How can develop a habit of doing his continually?
  7. What does verse 15 have to do with evangelism? Why is this such a powerful way of sharing the gospel?
  8. What practical steps can you take to prepare for the opportunities described in verse 15?
  9. What is your biggest takeaway from our time studying this passage together?

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