Redemption Promised: A Thrill of Hope

Micah 5:2-5a | Sermon Resources | 8 December 2024


A Thrill of Hope…Redemption! Amid our sin and rebellion, God acts on our behalf to redeem us through Christ the King. The King gives us hope even under dire circumstances. Because we are his people, we have a true and eternal hope in Jesus. Let us daily put our hope in Jesus.

Discussion Questions

  1. What was your biggest takeaway from the sermon this week? 
  2. What does the word redemption mean? What is one of your favorite stories of redemption (not including the Bible!)?
  3. Bethlehem is called too little to be considered among all the towns of Judah. Where else in the scriptures do you see something insignificant in the eyes of the world become significant in the sight of God? What does this mean?
  4. What catches your attention about the prophecy of this great King? His origins? His character? His accomplishments?
  5. Where do you tend to get discouraged in your life? Why?
  6. What hopes do you have? 
  7. How is the hope God gives in Jesus different than every other hope we can have?
  8. What is something you can do daily this Christmas season to fight for hope? How does knowing the end of story give you motivation for today?
  9. Call, write, text, email, or best yet, visit a friend or family member who needs to be reminded of the hope of the great King!!!