Creation: The Beginning of the Christmas Story

Psalm 33 | Sermon Resources | 24 November 2024


Thanksgiving might still be a few days away, but the Christmas season has already begun here at Cornerstone!  Pastor Billy kicks off the Christmas sermon series this week looking at the very beginning of the Christmas story, the story of creation.  In this sermon series we will look at the Christmas story through the lens of the grand narrative of the Bible which can be broken into four parts: creation, fall, redemption, and restoration.  Over the next five Sundays we will dig into each of these story elements.

Discussion Questions

1. What was your biggest takeaway from the sermon this week?

2. The Bible is made up of 66 books, but it tells a single story which is sometimes broken up into four parts: creation, fall, redemption, and restoration (or consummation). How familiar are you with these four story elements? How is this a good summary of what the Bible is fundamentally about?

General Overview

3. What themes stand out to you in Psalm 33?

4. For what purpose was Psalm 33 written?  What do you think the author intended to accomplish in writing this psalm?

God the Creator (v.6-9)

5. Why is it important to understand that it was  God who made the world and that he did so through his word?

6. In what ways does the teaching in this section challenge some of our assumptions of the world?

God the Sustainer (v.10-15)

7. How might the truths presented in this section provide encouragement for someone going through a difficult time?

8. When speaking of God as creator, the Bible often presents him at the same time as the sustainer. What is the connection between God the creator and the God the sustainer?

God the Deliverer (v.16-19)

9. In what ways are you tempted to trust in worldly power rather than God’s power?

10. What causes us to, at times, doubt God’s ability to bring deliverance?

11. In the sermon Pastor Billy defined waiting on the Lord as “standing in the gap between the brokenness that exists now and promise of what God will do in the future.” Where might God calling you to “stand in the gap” in your life right now?

Have You Not Known, Have You Not Heard? by Isaac Watts

Have you not known, have you not heard
That firm re­mains on high
The ev­er­last­ing throne of Him
Who formed the earth and sky?

Are you afraid His pow­er shall fail
When comes your ev­il day?
And can an all cre­at­ing arm
Grow wea­ry or de­cay?

Supreme in wis­dom as in pow­er
The Rock of Ag­es stands,
Though Him you can­not see, nor trace
The work­ing of His hands.

He gives the con­quest to the weak,
Supports the faint­ing heart;
And cour­age in the ev­il hour
His hea­ven­ly aids im­part.

Mere hu­man pow­er shall fast de­cay,
And youth­ful vi­gor cease;
But they who wait upon the Lord
In strength shall still in­crease.

They with un­wear­ied feet shall tread
The path of life di­vine;
With grow­ing ar­dor on­ward move,
With grow­ing bright­ness shine.

On ea­gles’ wings they mount, they soar,
Their wings are faith and love;
Till, past the clou­dy re­gions here,
They rise to Heav’n above.