Delighting in God’s Word

1 Peter 2:1-3 | Sermon Resources | 13 October 2024

Sermon Summary

Have you ever tried to read your Bible and actually fallen asleep?  Ever carve out some “extra” time to pray but walk away feeling discouraged by how hard it is?  In the sermon this week Pastor Billy will explore why we often struggle in this area and consider how the gospel can fuel our hunger for God’s Word.

Discussion Questions

1. What was your biggest takeaway from the sermon this week?

2. Describe some of the struggles you’ve had in spending extended time in God’s Word.  Besides ‘surface issues’ like being too busy, why do you think it can so often be difficult for us to read and meditate on Scripture?

3. What is the relationship between verse 1 and 2?  In other words what does putting away all those things have to do with longing for pure spiritual milk?

4. Peter says we should be like newborn infants craving pure spiritual milk.  How can we foster a deeper craving for God’s Word?  What specifically do you think might be hindering you from developing this kind of desire?

5. Peter says we feed on pure spiritual milk so that we might “grow up into salvation.” How does regularly feeding on God’s Word help us mature spiritually? Can you share a personal experience where delighting in Scripture led to growth or transformation in your life?

6. How are you doing with spending time in God’s Word:

  • By yourself?
  • With your spouse?
  • With your family?
  • With your church family?

7. Why is it important to spend time preparing yourself to hear the sermon Sunday morning?  What do you think this preparation could look like?

8. How does “tasting” God’s goodness through His Word (verse 3) motivate us to seek Him more? What specific scriptures or truths about God have you “tasted” recently?

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