1 Peter 2:9-10 | Sermon Resources | 27 October 2024
Sermon Summary
One of the greatest joys we can experience in this life is seeing someone come to faith in Jesus for the first time. Jesus actually says the angels in heaven rejoice as well! In the sermon this week Pastor Billy explores Peter’s call to the church to “proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness.” We will consider some reasons we have to delight in this high calling.
Discussion Questions
1. What was your biggest takeaway from the sermon this week?
2. In this passage Peter says we have been chosen by God so that we might “proclaim the excellencies of him who called us out of darkness.” How does this calling to proclaim his excellencies relate to worship? How does it relate to evangelism?
3. When is the last time you had the opportunity to share your faith with someone? How did it go?
4. What do you think Peter might be trying to stir up in our hearts as he recounts who we are (a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession)?
5. How should a right understanding of who we are lead us to action?
6. In the sermon Pastor Billy suggested that one of the reasons we become restless in our faith is because we have drifted from our God-given purpose to share our faith with others. In what has this been true in your own experience? How so?
7. In the sermon Pastor Billy explored 3 motivations for sharing our faith:
- A Matter of Identity
- A Matter of Calling
- A Matter of Joy
Which one most resonated with you? How so?
8. What might be holding you back from being active in sharing your faith with others?
“The torrent of God’s blessing does not stop at the borders of the church, but the church is the fountainhead through which it flows to the world.” — Christopher Watkin, Biblical Critical Theory, p. 461
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