The Cry of Jesus’ Blood

Hebrews 12:18-29 | Sermon Resources | 14 April 2024

Sermon Summary

In the sermon this week Pastor Billy explores the idea that when Jesus truly comes into our lives, change happens – and not just for eternity but in the here and now as well. Using Hebrews 12:18-29 we will explore three of those changes: boldness, joy, and thanksgiving.

Discussion Questions

1. What was your biggest takeaway from the sermon this week?

2. Verses 18 to 22 explain the difference between Mount Sinai and Mount Zion. Which of the differences are most meaningful for you?  How so?

3. Why is it important to remember that we as believers have “not come” to Mount Sinai (v.18) but rather “have come” to Mount Zion (v.22)?

4. What is the “better word” that the blood of Jesus speaks?  How does this encourage you?  Where in your life do you need to hear this “better word”?

5. In the sermon Pastor Billy identified 3 marks of the transformed Christian life (boldness, joy, thanksgiving):

  • Where do we see each of these in this passage?
  • Which of these marks most hit home for you?  How so?
  • What obstacles might need to be addressed in order to grow in these areas?

6. How does the description of Mount Zion invite boldness (or confidence) in the life of a believer? In what way would like to grow in this area?

7. What is the significance of the description in verse 22 of “innumerable angels in festal gathering”?  What might it look like for us to join in in this joyous celebration?

8. What is the significance of “receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken” (v.28)?  What does this mean? What might it produce in us if we really took it to heart?  

9. In what way can you grow in being a grateful person this week?

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