How Jesus Changes Us

Hebrews 12:12-17 | Sermon Resources | 24 March 2024


Putting our faith in Jesus not only secures our home in heaven for all eternity but brings real change into our lives now. In the sermon this week Pastor Billy explores how looking in faith to Jesus energizes our obedience, transforms our relationships, and redirects our desires.

Discussion Questions

  1. What was your main takeaway from the sermon this week?
  2. How does putting your faith in Jesus allow you to lift your drooping hands and strengthen weak knees (v.12-13)? How does the description in these verses challenge the view of the Christian as someone who is “limping along” through life?
  3. Using this passage, what encouragement would you give someone who feels beat up over repeated sin patterns in their life? 
  4. What is the connection between looking to Jesus (Hebrews 12:2) and striving for peace and holiness (v.14)? How does the gospel energize our ‘striving’ toward these things?
  5. What might keep someone from striving to pursue peace with others?   
  6. What does this passage teach us about the danger of bitterness? What might happen to our spiritual lives if we don’t address the bitterness in our hearts?
  7. According to this passage how does Esau serve as a sober warning for us?   
  8. What do you think is the connection between sexual immorality and the rest of the passage? What encouragement does this passage offer to someone in the midst of sexual sin?
  9. Thinking about one person in your life, what is one thought or idea from this week’s sermon you could share with them to encourage them?


“Trying to be holy from a self-strength, carried on by ways of self-invention, unto the end of a self-righteousness, is the soul and substance of all false religion in the world.” — John Owen, Mortification of Sin

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