Lose Yourself

2 Kings 5:1-27 | Sermon Resources | 13 August 2023

Sermon Summary

We will be taking a break from Genesis this Sunday. Guest Preacher and InterVarsity Campus Pastor at the University of DE, Tyler Brown, will be preaching out of 2 Kings 5:1-7 on “Lose Yourself”. 

General Discussion Questions

  1. What most struck you from the sermon this week? 
  2. What would you say was the big idea from the sermon? 
  3. What insight, principle, idea or verse most challenged you?  How so?
  4. What new questions did the sermon raise for you? 
  5. How did God speak to you as you listened and processed the sermon? 
  6. How might you apply the message of the sermon to your life this week?

Sermon Audio

Sermon Video