On the Place of Authority

Ephesians 6:5-9 | Sermon Resources | 8 January 2023


Pastor Billy picks back up in our Ephesians sermon series coming to Paul’s final instructions in his “household codes”: a word to slaves and masters. We will consider the historical, biblical, and practical issues at play in this passage. 

3 Application Points

-1- Humbly and whole-heartedly seek to obey the authorities in your life.

-2- Reject the notion that there is anything unseen by God. 

-3- Thoughtfully seek to exercise the authority you have been given. 

Discussion Questions

  1. In what ways do you see an “anti-authority” attitude in American culture? Why do you think this is so?
  2. What are some possible differences between slavery in the Roman empire and slavery in more modern times?
  3. Why should Christians oppose slavery?
  4. How does Paul begin to sow “seeds of destruction” for the institution of slavery?
  5. What standard does Paul set for bondservants obeying their masters? Which of these standards most impacted you?
  6. What standard does Paul set for masters exercising authority? 
  7. In the sermon Pastor Billy listed 3 ways to apply this passage: 
    -1- Humbly and whole-heartedly seek to obey the authorities in your life.
    -2- Reject the notion that there is anything unseen by God. 
    -3- Thoughtfully seek to exercise the authority you have been given. 
    Which of these points is most relevant for you? 
    What would it look like to put this into practice this week?
  8. What is one thing you will take away from our study today?

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