Ephesians 1:3-6 | Sermon Resources | 23 January 2022
Sermon Summary
Pastor Billy continues our new sermon series in Ephesians, coming this week to Ephesians 1:3-6 where he will explore the doctrine of predestination. Specifically, we will consider 4 things a right understanding of this doctrine should produce in us.
Discussion Questions
- If you are working on memorizing some part of Ephesians, share that with the group now.
- Paul tells us we have been blessed by the Father with “every spiritual blessing.” Looking at the larger passage (1:3-14), what are those blessings? Which one is most significant to you? How so?
- Read verses 3-6 one more time:
- What can we conclude about God from this passage?
- What can we conclude about ourselves?
- What can we conclude about the role of grace in our lives?
- Why do you think the doctrine of election is so challenging to accept? In what ways have you wrestled with it personally?
- What false idols might verses 3 to 6 confront?
- In the sermon, Pastor Billy outlined 4 things a right understanding the doctrine of election should produce in us:
- humility
- holiness
- courage
- worship
Spend some time discussing each response. What is the connection with election? Which of these things would you most like to see developed in your life?
- What might begin to happen in a church if these things (humility, holiness, courage, worship) really took root in the hearts of believers there?
- What is one thing you will do as a result of studying this passage?