Ephesians 3:14-21 | Sermon Resources | 18 April 2021
Sermon Resources
In the sermon this week Pastor Billy kicks off a new series — Transformed: How the Love of God Changes Us — as he unpacks the new vision for Cornerstone. This week we will look at Paul’s powerful prayer for the Ephesians and consider how this prayer speaks to: #1 The Rationalist, #2 The Pragmatist, #3 The Sentimentalist.
Discussion Questions
- What do you think is the “reason” that Paul refers to verse 14 where he says, “for this reason I bow my knees”?
- What part of Paul’s prayer is most perplexing to you? How so?
- What part of Paul’s prayer do you most need for yourself? How so?
- In the sermon Pastor Billy talked about 3 types of people: (1) the rationalist, (2) the pragmatist, (3) the sentimentalist. With which one do you most easily identify? How so? (And yes, really try to choose just one!)
- Spend some time working through the passage and considering how this prayer speaks to: (1) the rationalist, (2) the pragmatist, (3) the sentimentalist.
- Having processed this prayer, what is one area in your life you to want dig a little deeper?
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