Sermon Resources | Zephaniah 3:14-18 | 6 December 2020
Sermon Summary
In the sermon this week Pastor Billy will preach out of Zephaniah 3 and shares 4 reasons God tells us to sing to him with all our hearts.
Discussion Questions
- In verse 16 Zephaniah says, “let not your hands grow weak.” What does this mean? In what ways can you relate personally to this image particularly in light of our current pandemic?
- What do you tend to do when you are weary and worn out? What does Zephaniah call the people to do (v.14)?
- Pastor Billy summarized 4 reasons the people were given to sing [#1 You have an identity that cannot be taken away. #2 You are no longer under the judgment of God. #3 The King has come and he is in your midst. #4 God delights in you!]. Which one is most relevant for you?
- Do you find it hard to believe that God actually delights in you? How so?
Sermon Audio
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