#5 Honor Your Father and Mother

Exodus 20:12    |   Sermon Resources       18 October 2020

Pastor Dave will be preaching this week as part of the 10 Commandment series on the 5th commandment to honor your father and mother.

Sermon Summary

The fifth commandment — to honor your father and your mother — is the first of the commandments dealing with love for neighbor.  It is in this relationship with our parents that we learn what it is to have someone in authority over us. The family is where we learn to live with other people. We first learn from our parents what it means for someone to cross our will, and we have the option of despising them for this and maintaining a selfish, and ultimately hell-bound course, or honoring them even if it means sometimes doing something we don’t want to do. The family is where we learn about obedience and respect, and hopefully (if it is a good family) about love and protection.

Listen for the following ideas in this week’s sermon:

  • The long-term benefits of learning to honor our parents
  • What Jesus’s remarkable boyhood example shows us
  • An exercise on thankfulness
  • How to honor a mean parent
  • How to honor aging parents
  • Why Christians honor church and civil authorities
  • The Prodigal Father and other lessons for parents

Discussion Questions

  1. The family is where we first learn about obedience and respect, and hopefully (if it is a good family) about love and protection. How has your awareness of this increased as you have grown older?
  2. Name something or someone that you were thankful for today.
  3. Read the parable of the two sons (Matthew 21:28-30). How can you show respect to your parents?
  4. Read Luke 2:41-51. Why was Jesus’s obedience to his earthly parents so remarkable?
  5. Why should you honor a mean parent? How can this be done? What is not required?
  6. 1 Timothy 5:4 says that it is pleasing in the sight of God to show godliness to your own household. How could you bless a parent, grandparent, or someone who parented you spiritually today? If they aren’t in your home, pick up the phone and call them.
  7. Tell your child something you like about your church or civil government or pray for someone in authority over you (1 Timothy 2:2).
  8. Read the parable of the Prodigal Father (Luke 15:11-32). In what ways does the father model grace to both sons?
  9. Pray for your children or any people under your authority.


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