1 John 2:1-6 | Sermon Resources | 13 September 2020
From Pastor Billy:
I am excited to be kicking off our fall sermon series on the 10 commandments this Sunday. Sermon will be on 1 John 2:1-6 where we will seek to answer the question: “Do the 10 Commandments still apply to believers today?”
Below are some sermon discussion questions for you to use with your Life Group or with your family or perhaps simply to use as journal prompts. I am still weighing the feasibility of writing a blog to accompany each sermon with this series but I would recommend the following resources if you are interested in digging a little deeper.
Westminster Standards
This is the summary of the doctrinal basis of our denomination. There is significant space given to the 10 Commandments in both the Westminster Shorter Catechism and in the Westminster Larger Catechism. You can purchase a printed copy on Amazon or view it for free online.
The 10 Commandments: What They Mean, Why They Matter, and Why We Should Keep Them (Kevin DeYoung)
I have been tremendously helped by everything I’ve read from Kevin DeYoung. This is a very readable, engaging book on the 10 Commandments and is a good follow up on his earlier book, The Hole in our Holiness.
How Jesus Transforms the Ten Commandments (Ed Clowney)
Another solid author. This was one of the last books that Dr. Clowney wrote. Encouraging, readable and he includes discussion questions at the end of each chapter.
Sermon Discussion Questions
- What are some misunderstandings or wrong attitudes that people might have towards the 10 Commandments?
- What purpose do the 10 Commandments have for unbelievers versus believers? Is there a difference? How so?
- What motivation does John give for believers to obey the commandments in verse 3? How does our relationship with Jesus drive us to obedience?
- What does it mean that the law (i.e. the 10 Commandments) are a reflection of the nature of God? What are the implications of this for us?
- Do you believe that it is possible to please God by “walking in the same way in which he walked”? Why or why not?
- What encouragement would you give to someone who was struggling in a particular sin area? What does this passage say about the possibility of walking in holiness in all areas of our life?
Sermon Audio
Sermon Video