We Are Missionaries Sermon Resources

Matthew 9:35-38       We Are Missionaries   |     22 September 2019 

Missions is not just something we support it is who we are. In this sermon Pastor Billy explores Jesus’ words in Matthew 9:35-38 where Jesus asks his disciples to pray that laborers be sent out into the fields for harvest. In this passage we see a worldview, a mindset, and an assurance that should encourage us in the missionary calling God has given each of us.

Discussion Questions

  1. What opportunities have you had recently to share your faith with someone? How did it go?
  2. Why do you think Jesus responds the way he does to the lost people he encounters?
  3. How does sharing Jesus’ worldview that the lost people of the world are helpless and without a shepherd become a fuel to drive missions?
  4. Why do you think we struggle to live out our calling to be missionaries to the world?
  5. What in this passage encourages you in the calling we have to be missionaries?
  6. What are some practical things you (or we) can do to live out our calling as missionaries?


Application Ideas from the Sermon

  1. Pray for divine appointments daily.
  2. Learn to ask good questions.
  3. Offer to pray for a co-worker when they are in crisis.
  4. Carpool as much as you can with non-Christian friends as you drive your children all over God’s creation.
  5. Find needs of friends and neighbors and fill them and give glory to God.
  6. Do what you love to do and do it with your non-Christian friends (i.e. hobbies, sports, book club).
  7. Open your home to the neighborhood.