Forgive Us Our Debts

Matthew 6:9-15   |    Sermon Resources    |   1 August 2021


Sermon Summary

In the sermon this week Pastor Billy continues the series on the Lord’s Prayer coming to the 5th petition, forgive us our sins.  We will explore what forgiveness is, what it is not, and how we get the power to do it.


Discussion Questions

  1. What does it say about life in a fallen world that Jesus takes for granted that we have been hurt by others (and need to forgive them)?
  2. The only part of the Lord’s Prayer that Jesus explains in greater detail is the 5th petition, forgive us our debts (c.f. Matthew 6:14-15). Why do you think this is?
  3. What do you think is the reason that Jesus connects us being forgiven by the Father and us extending forgiveness to others?
  4. In the sermon Pastor Billy listed 5 things forgiveness is not. Which was most impactful for you?
  5. What is the result of having an unforgiving spirit?
  6. How do we get the power to really forgive others?
  7. What might begin to change in your life if you became a more forgiving person?


For Your Family

  1. Memorize: Mark 11:25 And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.
  2. Read: Matthew 18:21-35 – the “Parable of the Unforgiving Servant” and discuss the importance of forgiving others
  3. Discuss: Is there anyone on your heart who you need to forgive?

Additional Resources

Great article by Sam Storms on what forgiveness is not:


Sermon Audio

Sermon Video